
Description - All Lies in Trumperland: (BoJo Through The Looking Glass) a.k.a. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR! by Trevor Stott-Briggs

ALL LIES IN TRUMPERLAND is a witty, satirical, political parody about the McDonald J Trumper and BoJo Jockstrap, written using the theme of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. BoJo falls down the rabbit hole into Trumperland and meets a lot of the 'Alice' characters - metamorphosed into Trumper characters - as he wanders around. TSB, the author, has tried to fit into the book as many parodies as possible that relate to the real things that BoJo and the Trumper have done and made them poke at each other through the various characters. In addition, those chapters alternate with what he has called 'Meanwhile' chapters (i.e. meanwhile back at home) which are a reverse characterization of Melania and Trump, with her being the dominant one, as the Queen of Queens, and the Trumper being the grovelling 'Yes dear' guy. Enjoy ALL LIES IN TRUMPERLAND as it chronicles the bumbling foibles of two so-called 'world leaders' as they bounce from disaster to disaster in ever-deepening spirals of doom for their respective countries. The book covers many topics - but always with a satirical 'tongue in cheek' twist - including the 2016 election, border wall, Ukraine, Trumper's affairs, family and kids, London anti-Trumper protests, impeachment and up to the very early days of the coronavirus. And, likewise for BoJo, he has to deal with Brexit, defections in Parliament, allegations of Russian interference, his family and kids and mistresses and much more. All this is done through characters like the Cheshire Pussy, the Mad Hater, Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber, Roody-Doody, Bolt-On the Walrus, Moscow Mitch the Mock Turtle and Spicy Sean the Gryphon. Of course, no Trumper story would be complete without B.A.R.A.C.K O'Bama and Crooked Hillarious Clingfilm plus, it even has James Madison 'Father of the Constitution' sitting in judgement on the Trumper. Part of the theme is also BoJo seeing himself and the flaws in his own character in the Trumper - like looking in a mirror. The inspiration to write the book came as a result of watching the late-night talk shows which were royally taking the mickey out of Trump every night. People like Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah, James Corden, John Oliver, Bill Maher etc. Then TSB realised it wasn't just funny - it was also a terrible hit on democracy, law & order, colour, race, religion, the Constitution, life, the universe and everything. So, he also began to watch the nightly cable news shows of Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Ari Melber, Joy Reid etc. and daily videos by Glenn Kirschner and take in all the really mind-blowing, serious stuff that was going on. Doing it in the style of a classic fairy story seemed to be the best way to tell the intertwined stories of BoJo and the Trumper. But, best of all, just before the book was published in September 2020, it was reported by celebrated author, Bob Woodward, that Jared Kushner had said that the best way to understand the Trumper presidency was by reading Alice in Wonderland. It's not quite straight from the horse's mouth, but it is a really good tip by the stableboy.

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