Roth's suggestions for monitoring your portfolio are based on ratio analysis. Side‑stepping the purple prose of company directors, investors can -- with the help of a calculator -- compare, contrast and ascertain the actual stability and growth potential of any publicly listed stock. Importantly, real examples from company reports of 15 of Australia's Top 500 companies are used to highlight and clarify the book's lessons.
First published in 1995, this title was soon Number 1 on the Stock Exchange Book Centre's 30 Top Sellers list. Continuing popularity with investors has seen Analysing Company Accounts updated through 2nd and 3rd editions, and this new 4th edition has been rewritten to reflect today's changing market conditions.
Comprehensive, wide‑ranging and practical in their coverage of the sharemarket, Martin Roth's suggestions will prove a valuable educational tool for both established investors and newcomers alike.
Buy Analysing Company Accounts 4E a Guide for Australian Share Investors by Martin Roth from Australia's Online Independent Bookstore, BooksDirect.