
Books by Dawn M Larder

DEMOCRATS versus REPUBLICANS: Research on the Behaviors of High School Students by Wayne L Davis DEMOCRATS versus REPUBLICANS:...
Hardback , Feb '21
RRP: $103.44 $93.09
DEMOCRATS versus REPUBLICANS Research on the Behaviors of High School Students by Wayne L Davis DEMOCRATS versus REPUBLICANS...
Paperback , Feb '21
RRP: $76.91 $69.21
Seize the Q: Criminal Justice Word-Pairs Differing by a Single Character by Wayne L Davis Seize the Q: Criminal Justice...
Hardback , May '19
RRP: $76.91 $69.21
Typical work for a U.S. police officer- English and Spanish version Trabajo típico para un oficial de policía de EE.UU. - versión inglés y español by Wayne L Davis Typical work for a U.S. police...
Paperback , Sep '19
RRP: $42.42 $38.17
Typical work for a U.S police officer- English and Spanish version Trabajo típico para un oficial de policía de EE.UU. - versión inglés y español by Wayne L Davis Typical work for a U.S police...
Hardback , Sep '19
RRP: $76.91 $69.21
Typical work for a U.S. police officer: English and French version Travaux typiques pour un officier de police Américain: En Anglais et en Francais by Wayne L Davis Typical work for a U.S. police...
Hardback , Sep '19
RRP: $76.91 $69.21
Typical work for a U.S. police officer: English and French version Travaux typiques pour un officier de police Américain: En Anglais et en Francais by Wayne L Davis Typical work for a U.S. police...
Paperback , Sep '19
RRP: $42.42 $38.17
Results 1 - 9 of 9