
Books by Professor Abby Zanger

Baptist Women's Writings in Revolutionary Culture, 1640-1680 by Rachel Adcock Baptist Women's Writings...
Hardback , May '15
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
A Ruler's Consort in Early Modern Germany by Judith P. Aikin A Ruler's Consort in Early Modern Germany
Hardback , Jun '14
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Dominican Women and Renaissance Art: The Convent of San Domenico of Pisa by Ann Roberts Dominican Women and Renaissance...
Hardback , Jan '08
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Devout Laywomen in the Early Modern World by Alison Weber Devout Laywomen in the Early Modern World
Hardback , Mar '16
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Women and Portraits in Early Modern Europe: Gender, Agency, Identity by Andrea Pearson Women and Portraits in Early...
Hardback , Apr '08
RRP: $336.00 $332.64
Picturing the 'Pregnant' Magdalene in Northern Art, 1430-1550: Addressing and Undressing the Sinner-Saint by Penny Howell Jolly Picturing the 'Pregnant'...
Hardback , Jan '14
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Guardianship, Gender, and the Nobility in Early Modern Spain by Grace E. Coolidge Guardianship, Gender, and...
Hardback , Jan '11
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Women, Art and Architectural Patronage in Renaissance Mantua by Sally Anne Hickson Women, Art and Architectural...
Hardback , Mar '12
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Romancing the Self in Early Modern Englishwomen's Life Writing by Julie A. Eckerle Romancing the Self in Early...
Hardback , Jun '13
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Birthing Bodies in Early Modern France by Kirk D. Read Birthing Bodies in Early Modern France
Hardback , Mar '11
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Masculinity and Emotion in Early Modern English Literature by Jennifer C. Vaught Masculinity and Emotion in...
Hardback , Mar '08
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Education and Women in the Early Modern Hispanic World by Elizabeth Teresa Howe Education and Women in the...
Hardback , Mar '08
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Representing Judith in Early Modern French Literature by Kathleen M. Llewellyn Representing Judith in Early...
Hardback , Nov '14
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Henrietta Maria by Erin Griffey Henrietta Maria
Hardback , Jul '08
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Women Religious Leaders in Japan's Christian Century, 1549-1650 by Haruko Nawata Ward Women Religious Leaders in...
Hardback , Mar '09
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Women's Wealth and Women's Writing in Early Modern England: 'Little Legacies' and the Materials of Motherhood by Elizabeth Mazzola Women's Wealth and Women's...
Hardback , Mar '09
RRP: $336.00 $332.64
Midwifery, Obstetrics and the Rise of Gynaecology: The Uses of a Sixteenth-Century Compendium by Helen King Midwifery, Obstetrics and...
Hardback , Jul '07
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Gender and the Garden in Early Modern English Literature by Jennifer Munroe Gender and the Garden in...
Hardback , Jun '08
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Intertextual Masculinity in French Renaissance Literature by David P. LaGuardia Intertextual Masculinity...
Hardback , Sep '08
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Rape and the Rise of the Author by Amy Greenstadt Rape and the Rise of the Author
Hardback , Sep '09
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Staging Women and the Soul-Body Dynamic in Early Modern England by Sarah E. Johnson Staging Women and the Soul-Body...
Hardback , Feb '14
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
English Women, Religion, and Textual Production, 1500-1625 by Micheline White English Women, Religion,...
Hardback , May '11
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Hermaphrodites in Renaissance Europe by Kathleen P. Long Hermaphrodites in Renaissance Europe
Hardback , May '06
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Art, Gender and Religious Devotion in Grand Ducal Tuscany by Alice E. Sanger Art, Gender and Religious...
Hardback , Jan '14
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
From Wives to Widows in Early Modern Paris by Janine M. Lanza From Wives to Widows in Early Modern Paris
Hardback , Nov '07
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Menstruation and Procreation in Early Modern France by Cathy McClive Menstruation and Procreation...
Hardback , Mar '15
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Imagining Women's Conventual Spaces in France, 1600-1800 by Barbara R. Woshinsky Imagining Women's Conventual...
Hardback , Oct '10
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
English Printing, Verse Translation, and the Battle of the Sexes, 1476-1557 by Anne E.B. Coldiron English Printing, Verse Translation,...
Hardback , Feb '09
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
The Politics and Poetics of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz by George Antony Thomas The Politics and Poetics...
Hardback , Sep '12
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Results 1 - 36 of 77