
Books by Professor D Z Phillips

Wittgenstein, Aesthetics and Philosophy by Peter B. Lewis Wittgenstein, Aesthetics and Philosophy
Hardback , Mar '04
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosophy in the Darkness of This Time by William J. DeAngelis Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosophy...
Hardback , Jun '07
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Religion and Wittgenstein's Legacy by Mario von der Ruhr Religion and Wittgenstein's Legacy
Hardback , Feb '05
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
The Concept 'Horse' Paradox and Wittgensteinian Conceptual Investigations by Kelly Dean Jolley The Concept 'Horse' Paradox...
Hardback , Sep '07
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Gadamer and Wittgenstein on the Unity of Language: Reality and Discourse without Metaphysics by Patrick Rogers Horn Gadamer and Wittgenstein...
Hardback , Jun '05
RRP: $305.00 $274.50
The Third Wittgenstein: The Post-Investigations Works by Danièle Moyal-Sharrock The Third Wittgenstein: The...
Hardback , May '04
RRP: $305.00 $274.50
In Dialogue with the Greeks: Volume I: The Presocratics and Reality by Rush Rhees In Dialogue with the Greeks:...
Hardback , Oct '04
RRP: $305.00 $274.50
In Dialogue with the Greeks: Volume II: Plato and Dialectic by Rush Rhees In Dialogue with the Greeks:...
Hardback , Oct '04
RRP: $305.00 $274.50
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