
Books by Professor Giorgio Caravale

Italian Reform and English Reformations, c.1535 - c.1585 by M. Anne Overell Italian Reform and English...
Hardback , Nov '08
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Jesuit Civil Wars by Jean-Pascal Gay Jesuit Civil Wars
Hardback , May '12
RRP: $336.00 $332.64
A Cloister on Trial by Gabriella Erdélyi A Cloister on Trial
Hardback , Sep '15
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Reforming Reformation by Thomas F. Mayer Reforming Reformation
Hardback , Dec '12
RRP: $336.00 $332.64
A Paradise Inhabited by Devils by Jennifer D. Selwyn A Paradise Inhabited by Devils
Hardback , Sep '04
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Friars on the Frontier by Piotr Stolarski Friars on the Frontier
Hardback , Nov '10
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Female Monasticism in Early Modern Europe by Cordula van Wyhe Female Monasticism in Early Modern Europe
Hardback , Nov '08
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Sacred Music as Public Image for Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III by Andrew H. Weaver Sacred Music as Public Image...
Hardback , Dec '11
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
The Pilgrims' Complaint: A Study of Popular Thought in the Early Tudor North by Michael Bush The Pilgrims' Complaint:...
Hardback , Aug '09
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Fealty and Fidelity: The Lazarists of Bourbon France, 1660-1736 by Seán Alexander Smith Fealty and Fidelity: The...
Hardback , Oct '15
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Vittoria Colonna and the Spiritual Poetics of the Italian Reformation by Abigail Brundin Vittoria Colonna and the...
Hardback , May '08
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Thomas White and the Blackloists: Between Politics and Theology during the English Civil War by Stefania Tutino Thomas White and the Blackloists:...
Hardback , Nov '08
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Saint Cicero and the Jesuits by Robert Aleksander Maryks Saint Cicero and the Jesuits
Hardback , Aug '08
RRP: $336.00 $332.64
Juan de Mariana and Early Modern Spanish Political Thought by Harald E. Braun Juan de Mariana and Early...
Hardback , Jun '07
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Bridging the Medieval-Modern Divide by James Muldoon Bridging the Medieval-Modern Divide
Hardback , Feb '13
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Juan de Valdes and the Italian Reformation by Massimo Firpo Juan de Valdes and the Italian Reformation
Hardback , Mar '15
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Reforming Catholicism in the England of Mary Tudor: The Achievement of Friar Bartolomé Carranza by Ronald Truman Reforming Catholicism in...
Hardback , Mar '05
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Forms of Faith in Sixteenth-Century Italy by Matthew Treherne Forms of Faith in Sixteenth-Century Italy
Hardback , Jul '09
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
The English Convents in Exile, 1600-1800 by James E. Kelly The English Convents in Exile, 1600-1800
Hardback , Aug '13
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Franciscan Spirituality and Mission in New Spain, 1524-1599 by Steven E. Turley Franciscan Spirituality and...
Hardback , Jan '14
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
The Making and Marketing of Tottel's Miscellany, 1557 by J. Christopher Warner The Making and Marketing...
Hardback , Nov '13
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Communities of Devotion by Maria Craciun Communities of Devotion
Hardback , Jul '11
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
The Theology and Spirituality of Mary Tudor's Church by William Wizeman The Theology and Spirituality...
Hardback , May '06
RRP: $315.00 $283.50
The Counter-Reformation by Anthony D. Wright The Counter-Reformation
Hardback , Jun '05
RRP: $305.00 $274.50
Law and Conscience by Stefania Tutino Law and Conscience
Hardback , Aug '07
RRP: $315.00 $283.50
The Pontificate of Clement VII: History, Politics, Culture by Sheryl E. Reiss The Pontificate of Clement...
Hardback , May '05
RRP: $305.00 $274.50
Clerical Celibacy in the West: c. 1100-1700 by Helen Parish Clerical Celibacy in the West: c. 1100-1700
Hardback , Jul '10
RRP: $315.00 $283.50
Redefining Female Religious Life by Laurence Lux-Sterritt Redefining Female Religious Life
Hardback , Nov '05
RRP: $305.00 $274.50
The Jesuits and the Monarchy: Catholic Reform and Political Authority in France (1590-1615) by Eric Nelson The Jesuits and the Monarchy:...
Hardback , Aug '05
RRP: $76.99 $69.29
Church, State and Dynasty in Renaissance Poland: The Career of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon (1468–1503) by Natalia Nowakowska Church, State and Dynasty...
Hardback , Sep '07
RRP: $315.00 $283.50
Fathers and Godfathers: Spiritual Kinship in Early-Modern Italy by Guido Alfani Fathers and Godfathers: Spiritual...
Hardback , Aug '09
RRP: $315.00 $283.50
Results 1 - 36 of 38