
Books by William Kenny

Der Schachgrammatik: Oder, Praktische Anleitung Zum Schachspiel Fur Alle, Die Dasselbe Auf Die Schnellste Und Fasslichste Art Lernen Wollen by William Stopford Kenny Der Schachgrammatik: Oder,...
Paperback , Mar '12
RRP: $62.05 $55.84
Desires of the Heart: The Evolution of an American Psychiatrist by William F Kenny Desires of the Heart: The...
Paperback , Nov '22
RRP: $50.14 $45.12
Desires of the Heart: The Evolution of an American Psychiatrist by William F Kenny Desires of the Heart: The...
Hardback , Nov '22
RRP: $75.22 $67.69
The French Secretary: Familiar Letters On Various Subjects: Followed by Models of Letters Selected from the Most Celebrated French Corespondents by William David Kenny The French Secretary: Familiar...
Paperback , Mar '10
RRP: $54.53 $49.07
Practical Chess Grammar: Or, an Introduction to the Royal Game of Chess, in a Series of Plates. Designed to Instruct the Learner, Remove the Difficulties of the Elegant and Scientific Game, and Render It Attainable by the Lowest Capacity by William Stopford Kenny Practical Chess Grammar:...
Paperback , Feb '10
RRP: $47.01 $42.30
The Chess Player: By George Walker... by George Walker The Chess Player: By George Walker...
Paperback , Mar '12
RRP: $57.04 $51.33
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