
Ordnance, weapons technology

The Guns of John Moses Browning: The Remarkable Story of the Inventor Whose Firearms Changed the World by Nathan Gorenstein The Guns of John Moses Browning:...
Paperback , May '22
RRP: $47.61 $42.84
Jambiya by Stephen Gracie Jambiya
Paperback , Feb '18
RRP: $213.11 $191.79
The Tactical Drone: Military Use of Commercial Air Vehicles - Observe / Recce / Document / Attack by Christian Väth The Tactical Drone: Military...
Paperback , Mar '24
RRP: $49.89 $44.90
La Breve Historia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial: Adolf Hitler, la Alemania nazi y el Tercer Reich, y las batallas desde las Blitzkriegs hasta las bombas atómicas (1939-1945) by Academy Archives La Breve Historia de la Segunda...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $37.58 $33.82
La Brève Histoire de la Première Guerre Mondiale: Les batailles des fronts occidental et oriental, la guerre chimique et la défaite de l'Allemagne, qui a conduit au traité de Versailles (1914-1919) by Academy Archives La Brève Histoire de la Première...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $35.08 $31.57
The Shape of Battle: The Art of War from the Battle of Hastings to D-Day and Beyond by Allan Mallinson The Shape of Battle: The...
Hardback , Aug '22
RRP: $75.09 $67.58
A Breve História das Guerras do Afeganistão (1970-1991): Operação Ciclone, Os Mujahideen, As Guerras Civis Afegãs, A Invasão Soviética e a Ascensão do Talibã by Academy Archives A Breve História das Guerras...
Paperback , Mar '23
RRP: $32.57 $29.31
Small Arms Accidents, Malfunctions, And Their Causes by History Delivered Small Arms Accidents, Malfunctions,...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $62.65 $56.38
The Brief History of World War 2 in Asia: The Asia-Pacific War, the Eastern Fleet, Pearl Harbor and the Atom Bomb that Shocked Japan (1941-1945) by Academy Archives The Brief History of World...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $37.58 $33.82
A Breve História da Segunda Guerra Mundial: A Ascensão de Adolf Hitler, Alemanha Nazista e Terceiro Reich, as Forças Aliadas e as Batalhas de Blitzkriegs a Bombas Atômicas (1939-1945) by Academy Archives A Breve História da Segunda...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $37.58 $33.82
The Brief History of The Holocaust: The Rise of Antisemitism in Nazi Germany, Auschwitz, and Hitler's Genocide on Jewish People Fueled by Fascism (1941-1945) by Academy Archives The Brief History of The...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $37.58 $33.82
Bladesmithing for Beginners: Make Your First Knife in 7 Steps by Wes Sander Bladesmithing for Beginners:...
Hardback , Nov '19
RRP: $75.14 $67.62
Historical Significance of the First Successful Colt Experiment: The Colt Paterson Revolver by Michael R Desparte Historical Significance of...
Paperback , Aug '19
RRP: $45.10 $40.59
Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe; From the Iron Period of the Northern Nations to the End of the Thirteenth Century by John Hewitt Ancient Armour and Weapons...
Paperback , Oct '21
RRP: $70.25 $63.22
Gunnery in 1858: Being a Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms; Explaining the Principles of the Science of Gunnery, and Describing the Newest Improvements in Fire-Arms by William Greener Gunnery in 1858: Being a...
Paperback , Sep '22
RRP: $65.64 $59.07
The Motion Control System of the Legendary Scud-B Missile: Description and Mathematical Analysis by Bodo E Seyfert The Motion Control System...
Paperback , Nov '19
RRP: $185.53 $166.97
The Gunner's Examiner by Harold E Cloke The Gunner's Examiner
Paperback , Sep '22
RRP: $60.70 $54.63
Doing their Bit War work at home by Boyd Cable Doing their Bit War work at home
Paperback , Oct '21
RRP: $47.06 $42.35
Keris and Other Malay Weapons by Gerald B Gardner Keris and Other Malay Weapons
Hardback , May '21
RRP: $100.29 $90.26
Basic Bomb Defusing Techniques for Beginners by Eric Gray Basic Bomb Defusing Techniques for Beginners
Paperback , Jul '24
RRP: $300.84 $270.75
Test and Evaluation of Aircraft Avionics and Weapon Systems by Robert E. McShea Test and Evaluation of Aircraft...
Hardback , Mar '10
RRP: $526.51 $473.85
Tools of War: History of Weapons in Early Modern Times by Syed Ramsey Tools of War: History of...
Paperback , May '16
RRP: $68.70 $61.83
Sniper's Discretion: Unveiling America's Sharpshooter History by B James Johncox Sniper's Discretion: Unveiling...
Paperback , Dec '24
RRP: $47.51 $42.75
La Breve Historia de las Guerras de Afganistán (1970-1991): Operación Ciclón, los Muyahidines, las Guerras Civiles Afganas, la Invasión Soviética y el Ascenso de los Talibanes by Academy Archives La Breve Historia de las...
Paperback , Mar '23
RRP: $32.57 $29.31
The Future of Leadership in Cucumbers and Cannons by Terry Jox The Future of Leadership in Cucumbers and Cannons
Paperback , Aug '24
RRP: $313.37 $282.03
La Breve Storia della Prima Guerra Mondiale: Le battaglie sul fronte occidentale e orientale, la guerra chimica e la sconfitta della Germania che portò al Trattato di Versailles (1914-1919) by Academy Archives La Breve Storia della Prima...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $37.58 $33.82
La Breve Historia de la Primera Guerra Mundial: La Gran Guerra, las batallas del frente occidental y oriental, la guerra química y cómo perdió Alemania, lo que llevó al Tratado de Versalles (1914-1919) by Academy Archives La Breve Historia de la Primera...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $30.06 $27.05
Churchill's Band of Brothers: WWII's Most Daring D-Day Mission and the Hunt to Take Down Hitler's Fugitive War Criminals by Damien Lewis Churchill's Band of Brothers:...
Paperback , Apr '23
RRP: $42.50 $38.25
Bladesmithing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Forging Your Own Knives for Beginners by Jake Welsh Bladesmithing: A Step-by-Step...
Paperback , Jan '21
RRP: $44.00 $39.60
Queen of Battle by Larry E Brasher Queen of Battle
Hardback , Mar '17
RRP: $62.55 $56.29
The Potsdam Musket by Col (ret) Carl M Kruger The Potsdam Musket
Hardback , Apr '20
RRP: $107.81 $97.02
Inventory and survey of the armouries of the Tower of London by Charles John Ffoulkes Inventory and survey of the...
Paperback , Apr '20
RRP: $104.32 $93.88
With Honour and Glory: Five Great Artillery Battles by A J S Sandhu With Honour and Glory: Five...
Hardback , Aug '21
RRP: $200.57 $180.51
Results 181 - 216 of 324