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Written and designed especially for use by the practitioner in general practice, an effective combination of concise text and useful summary features allows you to quickly assess and interpret presenting signs and symptoms and formulate an effective plan for management.
*A concise, yet thorough review for the non-specialist
*Standardized, disease-specific chapters guide you systematically through evaluation, diagnosis, and management of the full spectrum of GI, liver, and nutritional complaints
*Summaries, lists, tables, and charts effectively summarize information for ease of reference
*Includes a handy drug formulary for common prescriptions
*Provides helpful advice on indications for consultation or referral
*Utilizes up-to-date, evidence-based recommendations
*Reviews common diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Koenig/Hijazi/Zimmerman: Essential Pediatric Cardiology, ISBN 0-07-140919-X
Wolf: Essential Pediatric Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, ISBN 0-07-141668-4
Buy Essential Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition by Stefano Guandalini from Australia's Online Independent Bookstore, BooksDirect.