This imaginative tale follows Quentin, a curious child from the planet Gliese who discovers a book titled "Earthlings" he finds that the people on earth look just like him, but act very different. As Quentin tries to understand why humans fight and have communication problems, he has a heart-to-heart conversation with his father about the evolution of humanity and the infinite opportunities to pursue one's dreams. "Planet Storyland" inspires young readers to think creatively and trust their instincts, while promoting the value of independent thinking.
With lively illustrations and engaging storytelling, "Planet Storyland" is the perfect way to help your child expand their horizons and discover their passions. So why wait? Add "Planet Storyland" to your child's bookshelf today and open up a world of possibilities!
Buy Planet Storyland by James Sherwood Metts from Australia's Online Independent Bookstore, BooksDirect.