
Books from Publisher gibb memorial trust

Takhyil Takhyil Texts v. 1 by G. J. Van Gelder Takhyil Takhyil Texts v. 1
Hardback , Apr '09
RRP: $285.06 $256.55
The Censure of Speculative Theology of Ibn Qudama (Tahrim al-Nazar fi Kutub al al-Kalam) by G. Makdisi The Censure of Speculative...
Hardback , Oct '12
RRP: $57.99 $52.19
The Diwans of 'Abid Ibn al-Abras of Asad and Amir Ibn at-Tufail of Amir Ibn Sa'sa'ah by Charles Lyall The Diwans of 'Abid Ibn al-Abras...
Hardback , May '80
RRP: $219.00 $197.10
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 3, Persian Text by Jalalu'ddin Rumi The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin...
Hardback , May '85
RRP: $99.99 $89.99
The Mathnawi of Jalal'uddin Rumi, Vol 1, Persian Text by Jalalu'ddin Rumi The Mathnawi of Jalal'uddin...
Hardback , May '85
RRP: $99.99 $89.99
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume IV by E. J. W. Gibb A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume IV
Paperback , Dec '13
RRP: $57.99 $52.19
Islamic Crosspollinations by James Montgomery Islamic Crosspollinations
Hardback , Apr '08
RRP: $175.00 $157.50
Ethics and Poetry in Sixth-Century Arabia by Nadia Jamil Ethics and Poetry in Sixth-Century Arabia
Hardback , Mar '18
RRP: $219.00 $197.10
The Qur'an by Alan Jones The Qur'an
Hardback , Mar '08
RRP: $265.00 $254.40
Identification and Identity in Classical Arabic Poetry by M. C. Lyons Identification and Identity...
Hardback , May '99
RRP: $230.00 $207.00
Abbasid Studies IV by Monique Bernards Abbasid Studies IV
Hardback , Apr '14
RRP: $219.00 $210.24
Fars-nama of Ibnu l-Balkhi by G. Le Strange Fars-nama of Ibnu l-Balkhi
Hardback , Jan '99
RRP: $67.99 $61.19
Books and Bibliophiles by Robert Gleave Books and Bibliophiles
Hardback , Mar '15
RRP: $175.00 $157.50
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Volume 6 (English translation) by Jalalu'ddin Rumi The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin...
Hardback , Nov '13
RRP: $44.99 $40.49
Kitab al-nasikh wa-l-mansukh of Abu 'Ubaid al-Qasim b. Sallam: (MS Istanbul, Topkapi, Ahmet III A 143) by John Burton Kitab al-nasikh wa-l-mansukh...
Hardback , Apr '10
RRP: $219.00 $197.10
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume V by E. J. W. Gibb A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume V
Paperback , Dec '13
RRP: $57.99 $52.19
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vols 7 and 8, Commentary 2 vol set by Jalalu'ddin Rumi The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin...
Hardback , May '85
RRP: $175.00 $157.50
Sanglax by Gerard Clauson Sanglax
Hardback , Apr '61
RRP: $140.00 $126.00
Ta'rikh-i Jahan-Gusha by Mirza Muhammad Ta'rikh-i Jahan-Gusha
Hardback , Apr '53
RRP: $219.00 $197.10
The Qur'an by Alan Jones The Qur'an
Paperback , Mar '08
RRP: $89.99 $86.39
Document Forms for Official Orders of Appointment in the Mughal Empire by John F. Richards Document Forms for Official...
Hardback , May '86
RRP: $175.00 $157.50
Averroes by George F. Hourani Averroes
Paperback , Oct '12
RRP: $27.99 $26.87
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vols 1, 3, 5, Persian Text (set) by Jalalu'ddin Rumi The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin...
Hardback , May '85
RRP: $253.00 $227.70
The Travels of Ibn Jubayr by William Wright The Travels of Ibn Jubayr
Hardback , Oct '07
RRP: $79.99 $71.99
Introduction a l'Histoire des Mongols de Fadl Allah Rashid ed-din by Edgard Blochet Introduction a l'Histoire...
Paperback , Feb '18
RRP: $67.99 $61.19
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 5, Persian Text by Jalalu'ddin Rumi The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin...
Hardback , May '71
RRP: $99.99 $89.99
A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume VI by E. J. W. Gibb A History of Ottoman Poetry Volume VI
Paperback , Jan '14
RRP: $67.99 $61.19
Averroes by Simon Van den Bergh Averroes
Paperback , Mar '09
RRP: $89.99 $86.39
Uddat al-Jalis of Ibn Bishri: An Anthology of Andalusian Arabic Muwashshat by Alan Jones Uddat al-Jalis of Ibn Bishri:...
Hardback , May '92
RRP: $265.00 $238.50
Late Antiquity: Eastern Perspectives by Teresa Bernheimer Late Antiquity: Eastern Perspectives
Hardback , Nov '12
RRP: $175.00 $157.50
Results 1 - 36 of 74