In the first installment of The Life-Changing List duet by Scarlet Wilson, a bucket list, a dance class and a far-too-charming Italian are about to turn one woman’s world upside down...
He’ll sweep her off her feed!
Receiving a bucket list from her late sister, Darcy’s forced out of her self-imposed comfort zone — into a dance class with charismatic Arturo! It’s obvious the Italian’s dealing with his own losses, but they clearly share a connection. So she can’t deny his offer of help when next she adopts a boisterous puppy! Falling for the pup is easy, but can she open her guarded heart to Arturo as well?
Mills & Boon Forever — Be swept away by glamorous and heartfelt love stories.Buy Slow Dance with the Italian [Large Print] by Scarlet Wilson from Australia's Online Independent Bookstore, BooksDirect.