After fourteen years of extensive research in natural sex selection, Kelly and Claire discovered groundbreaking evidence, uncovering the reason why we conceive the sex of the child we do, and how you can successfully influence the sex of your next baby.
Our primary focus was identifying key days that favour the conception for a boy or a girl. Whilst combining effective strategies; which includes the latest scientific findings on factors such as pH levels and egg polarity, which play a vital role, along with the alignment of the celestial influences. We also embrace a natural and holistic approach to boost your fertility.
We both successfully conceived our daughters using our specific sway method. Let us take you by the hand, and let the Moon, and us, be your guide.
Gender sway the cosmic way!
When celestial bodies align, miracles happen. Like the conception of a baby.
Buy The Cosmic Sway Method - Choose the Sex of Your Next Baby: A natural gender selection guide, backed by scientific research and our exclusive timing methodology by Kelly Louise Hill from Australia's Online Independent Bookstore, BooksDirect.