"Tides & Trysts" is a contemporary coming-of-age story about a fourteen year old boy and his buddies as they adventure through the rites of passage of high school, college, and beyond. Deeply relatable and wonderfully written, this novel is a light-hearted romp taking him through his school years in San Clemente, California, his summer visits to his grandfather's home in Daytona Beach, Florida, and his college years at Fresno State.
Throughout this novel, the protagonist and his friends realize that growing up means growing pains are inevitable. The learning curve that enlightens boys from puberty through manhood with its rites of passage, its dreams, fantasies, and rude awakenings impacts Aquinas Flynn in a realistic and sometimes humorous tale taking him from coast to coast, youth through college, and life beyond. Timeless and personal, this endearing novel is a must-read for readers of all ages and backgrounds.
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