
Books by Abraham Tesser

Striving and Feeling by Leonard L. Martin Striving and Feeling
Hardback , Apr '96
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
The Construction of Social Judgments by Leonard L. Martin The Construction of Social Judgments
Hardback , Sep '92
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
The Construction of Social Judgments by Leonard L. Martin The Construction of Social Judgments
Paperback , Feb '16
RRP: $101.00 $99.99
The Self and Social Relationships by Joanne V. Wood The Self and Social Relationships
Paperback , Mar '16
RRP: $114.00 $112.86
The Self and Social Relationships by Joanne V. Wood The Self and Social Relationships
Hardback , Aug '07
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Striving and Feeling by Leonard L. Martin Striving and Feeling
Paperback , Apr '96
RRP: $131.00 $129.69
Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology by Abraham Tesser Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology
Paperback , Dec '02
RRP: $117.95 $106.15
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