
Books by Bonnie Blackburn

Eroticism in Early Modern Music by Bonnie Blackburn Eroticism in Early Modern Music
Hardback , Mar '15
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Eroticism in Early Modern Music by Bonnie Blackburn Eroticism in Early Modern Music
Paperback , Oct '17
RRP: $101.00 $99.99
Book on Music by Florentius de Faxolis Book on Music
Hardback , Jun '10
RRP: $61.95 $60.71
The Oxford Companion to the Year by Bonnie Blackburn The Oxford Companion to the Year
Hardback , Nov '99
RRP: $215.00 $210.70
Music for Treviso Cathedral in the Late Sixteenth Century by Bonnie J. Blackburn Music for Treviso Cathedral...
Hardback , Nov '87
RRP: $183.00 $164.70
Composition, Printing, and Performance by Bonnie J. Blackburn Composition, Printing, and Performance
Hardback , Jun '00
RRP: $124.00 $111.60
Music in the Culture of the Renaissance and Other Essays by Edward E. Lowinsky Music in the Culture of the...
Hardback , Aug '89
RRP: $994.95 $895.45
Music as Concept and Practice in the Late Middle Ages by Reinhard Strohm Music as Concept and Practice...
Hardback , Oct '01
RRP: $772.00 $756.56
Results 1 - 8 of 8