
Books by David R Roediger

The Meaning of Slavery in the North by Martin H. Blatt The Meaning of Slavery in the North
Hardback , Feb '98
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
The Meaning of Slavery in the North by Martin H. Blatt The Meaning of Slavery in the North
Paperback , Aug '16
RRP: $96.99 $96.02
The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class by David R Roediger The Wages of Whiteness: Race...
Paperback , Nov '22
20% OFF!
RRP: $24.99 $19.99
Class, Race, and Marxism by David R Roediger Class, Race, and Marxism
Paperback , Oct '19
20% OFF!
RRP: $22.99 $18.39
How Race Survived US History: From Settlement and Slavery to The Eclipse of Post-Racialism by David R Roediger How Race Survived US History:...
Paperback , Oct '19
RRP: $53.43 $48.08
Seizing Freedom: Slave Emancipation and Liberty for All by David R Roediger Seizing Freedom: Slave Emancipation...
Hardback , Nov '14
RRP: $19.99 $17.99
Colored White by David R. Roediger Colored White
Paperback , Nov '03
RRP: $52.95 $47.65
The Production of Difference by David R. Roediger The Production of Difference
Paperback , May '14
RRP: $85.95 $77.35
Seizing Freedom by David R Roediger Seizing Freedom
Paperback , Nov '15
RRP: $29.99 $26.99
The Production of Difference by David R. Roediger The Production of Difference
Hardback , May '12
RRP: $136.95 $123.25
Our Own Time by David R. Roediger Our Own Time
Hardback , Mar '89
RRP: $140.00 $134.40
Mod Lib John Brown by W.E.B. Du Bois Mod Lib John Brown
Paperback , Jul '01
RRP: $32.99 $31.67
Special Sorrows by Matthew Frye Jacobson Special Sorrows
Paperback , May '02
RRP: $57.95 $52.15
Debating the End of History by David W. Noble Debating the End of History
Paperback , Jan '13
RRP: $47.95 $43.15
Debating the End of History by David W. Noble Debating the End of History
Hardback , Oct '12
RRP: $143.00 $128.70
Results 1 - 21 of 21