
Books by James Beattie

China in Australasia: Cultural Diplomacy and Chinese Arts since the Cold War by James Beattie China in Australasia: Cultural...
Paperback , Jun '21
RRP: $87.99 $87.11
China in Australasia: Cultural Diplomacy and Chinese Arts since the Cold War by James Beattie China in Australasia: Cultural...
Hardback , Apr '19
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
New China Eyewitness: Roger Duff, Rewi Alley and the art of museum diplomacy by James Beattie New China Eyewitness: Roger...
Hardback , Dec '17
RRP: $65.95 $59.35
Gardens at the Frontier: New Methodological Perspectives on Garden History and Designed Landscapes by James Beattie Gardens at the Frontier:...
Paperback , Aug '20
RRP: $88.99 $80.09
C. Epistemology by James Beattie C. Epistemology
Hardback , Feb '07
RRP: $1,365.00 $1,228.50
Gardens at the Frontier by James Beattie Gardens at the Frontier
Hardback , Jun '18
RRP: $305.00 $274.50
Heart Failure by Miriam Johnson Heart Failure
Paperback , Apr '12
RRP: $103.95 $101.87
Essays on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism; On Poetry and Music, as They Affect the Mind; On Laughter, and Ludicrous Composition a New Edition, Revised and Carefully Corrected. Volume 1 of 2 by James Beattie Essays on the Nature and...
Paperback , Jun '10
RRP: $94.85 $85.36
The Works of James Beattie, Volume 8... by James Beattie The Works of James Beattie, Volume 8...
Paperback , Mar '12
RRP: $84.23 $75.80
The Minstrel, in Two Books: By James Beattie. with a Sketch of His Life by James Beattie The Minstrel, in Two Books:...
Paperback , Sep '11
RRP: $47.09 $42.38
Poesie Liriche E Varie, Volumes 1-2 by James Beattie Poesie Liriche E Varie, Volumes 1-2
Paperback , Feb '10
RRP: $84.23 $75.80
Essays and Fragments in Prose and Verse. by James Hay Beattie. to Which Is Prefixed an Account of the Author's Life and Character. by James Beattie Essays and Fragments in Prose...
Paperback , May '10
RRP: $84.23 $75.80
The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair and Falconer, with Lives, Dissertations and Notes by G. Gilfillan by James Beattie The Poetical Works of Beattie,...
Paperback , Mar '10
RRP: $81.58 $73.42
The Works of James Beattie, Volume 9... by James Beattie The Works of James Beattie, Volume 9...
Paperback , Oct '11
RRP: $78.93 $71.03
Essays: On the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism: On Poetry and Musick, as They Affect the Mind; On Laughter, and Ludicrous Composition; On the Utility of Classical Learning, Volume 6 by James Beattie Essays: On the Nature and...
Paperback , Mar '10
RRP: $92.19 $82.97
The Minstrel; Or the Progress of Genius ... the Second Book. by James Beattie The Minstrel; Or the Progress...
Paperback , Mar '11
RRP: $41.79 $37.61
The Fall of Scepticism and Infidelity Predicted; An Epistle [In Verse] to Dr. Beattie, Occasioned by His Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth. to Which Are Subjoined. Dissertations on Religious Subjects. [By William Cockin.] by James Beattie The Fall of Scepticism and...
Paperback , Mar '11
RRP: $60.36 $54.32
The Minstrel, with Designs by B. Foster by James Beattie The Minstrel, with Designs by B. Foster
Paperback , Jan '10
RRP: $49.74 $44.76
The minstrel; or, the progress of genius. A poem. The second book. By James Beattie, LL.D. by James Beattie The minstrel; or, the progress...
Paperback , May '10
RRP: $41.79 $37.61
Essai Zur La Po�sie Et Sur La Musique Consid�r�es Dans Les Affections de l'�me... by James Beattie Essai Zur La Po�sie Et Sur...
Paperback , Mar '12
RRP: $89.54 $80.58
The Minstrel. in Two Books. by James Beattie The Minstrel. in Two Books.
Paperback , Feb '11
RRP: $55.05 $49.54
The Minstrel: In Two Books. with Some Other Poems. by James Beattie, LL.D. to Which Are Now Added, Miscellanies. by James Hay Beattie, A.M. with an Account of His Life and Character. in Two Volumes. ... [A New Edition]. Volume 1 of 2 by James Beattie The Minstrel: In Two Books....
Paperback , May '10
RRP: $55.05 $49.54
The Minstrel; Or the Progress of Genius. the Second Book. by James Beattie The Minstrel; Or the Progress...
Paperback , Feb '11
RRP: $41.79 $37.61
An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism. by James Beattie, ... the Sixth Edition, Revised and Carefully Corrected. by James Beattie An Essay on the Nature and...
Paperback , May '10
RRP: $102.81 $92.52
James Beattie's, Professors Der Moral-Philosophie Und Logik Im Marischal-Collegium Der Universitat Zu Aberdeen, Versuch Uber Die Natur Und Unveranderlichkeit Der Wahrheit... by James Beattie James Beattie's, Professors...
Paperback , Feb '12
RRP: $89.54 $80.58
Essays. on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism. on Poetry and Music, as They Affect the Mind. on Laughter, and Ludicrous Composition. on the Utility of Classical Learning. by James Beattie Essays. on the Nature and...
Paperback , Feb '11
RRP: $97.50 $87.75
Elements of Moral Science, Volume 2 by James Beattie Elements of Moral Science, Volume 2
Paperback , Mar '10
RRP: $92.19 $82.97
Beauties Selected from the Writings of James Beattie. to Which Are Prefixed a Life of the Author and an Account of His Writings. Together with Notes On the First Book of the Minstrel, by T. Gray by James Beattie Beauties Selected from the...
Paperback , Mar '10
RRP: $92.19 $82.97
The Minstrel: Or, the Progress of Genius, with Some Other Poems by James Beattie The Minstrel: Or, the Progress...
Paperback , Jan '10
RRP: $57.70 $51.93
School History of Nebraska, Based on the History of Nebraska by James A Beattie School History of Nebraska,...
Paperback , Jun '10
RRP: $86.89 $78.20
Essai sur la poésie et sur la musique: considérées dans les affections de l'ame by Beattie James 1735-1803 Essai sur la poésie et sur...
Paperback , Oct '10
RRP: $86.89 $78.20
Results 1 - 36 of 40