
Books by John Adams Library Boston Public Librar

Proceedings of the Second Church and Parish in Dorchester: Exhibited in a Collection of Papers. Published Agreeably to a Vote of the Church by Second Church Proceedings of the Second...
Paperback , Jun '10
RRP: $36.98 $33.28
Circular to Consuls by Richard Rush Circular to Consuls
Paperback , Jun '10
RRP: $36.98 $33.28
The Edinburgh Review Volume XXVI by John Adams The Edinburgh Review Volume XXVI
Paperback , May '10
RRP: $72.08 $64.87
Considerations on the Public Expediency of a Bridge from One Part of Boston to the Other by William Tudor Considerations on the Public...
Paperback , Aug '11
RRP: $39.49 $35.54
Pavli Iovii Novocomensis Episcopi Nucerini de Vita Leonis Decimi Pont. Max. Libri Quatuor: His Ordine Temporum Acce[ss]erunt Hadriani Sexti Pont. Max by Paolo Giovio Pavli Iovii Novocomensis...
Paperback , Sep '11
RRP: $67.07 $60.36
Selectae E Veteri Testamento Historiae: Ad Usum Eorum Qui Latinae Linguae Rudimentis Imbuuntur by John 1735 Adams Selectae E Veteri Testamento...
Paperback , Sep '11
RRP: $67.07 $60.36
L'Arrivee Du Brave Toulousain: Et, Le Devoir Des Braves Compagnons de La Petite Manicle by John Adams L'Arrivee Du Brave Toulousain:...
Paperback , Sep '11
RRP: $44.50 $40.05
Gr�c� Grammatices Rudimenta: In Usum Schol� Regi� Westmonasteriensis by Richard Busby Gr�c� Grammatices Rudimenta:...
Paperback , Aug '11
RRP: $77.10 $69.39
Leonardi Aretini Historiarum Florentinarum Libri XII: Quibus Accesserunt Quorundam Suo Tempore in Italia Gestorum & de Rebus Gr�cis Commentarii by Leonardo Bruni Leonardi Aretini Historiarum...
Paperback , Aug '11
RRP: $77.10 $69.39
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland: To the Time of Dean Swift by Theophilus Cibber The Lives of the Poets of...
Paperback , Aug '11
RRP: $82.11 $73.89
de la R�volution Fran�oise by Jacques Necker de la R�volution Fran�oise
Paperback , Aug '11
RRP: $77.10 $69.39
Results 1 - 36 of 118