
Books by Merry E Wiesner Hanks

Mapping Gendered Routes and Spaces in the Early Modern World by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Mapping Gendered Routes and...
Hardback , Mar '15
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Christianity and Sexuality in the Early Modern World: Regulating Desire, Reforming Practice by Merry E Wiesner-Hanks Christianity and Sexuality...
Paperback , May '20
RRP: $75.99 $75.23
Christianity and Sexuality in the Early Modern World: Regulating Desire, Reforming Practice by Merry E Wiesner-Hanks Christianity and Sexuality...
Hardback , May '20
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Mapping Gendered Routes and Spaces in the Early Modern World by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Mapping Gendered Routes and...
Paperback , Dec '19
RRP: $83.99 $83.15
What is Early Modern History? by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks What is Early Modern History?
Paperback , Jan '21
RRP: $32.95 $32.29
What is Early Modern History? by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks What is Early Modern History?
Hardback , Jan '21
RRP: $103.95 $101.87
The Cambridge World History by Benjamin Z. Kedar The Cambridge World History
Hardback , Apr '15
RRP: $239.95 $230.35
The Cambridge World History by Jerry H. Bentley The Cambridge World History
Hardback , Apr '15
RRP: $251.95 $239.35
The Cambridge World History of Sexualities: Volume 3, Sites of Knowledge and Practice by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks The Cambridge World History...
Hardback , May '24
RRP: $192.95 $173.65
The Cambridge World History of Sexualities: Volume 4, Modern Sexualities by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks The Cambridge World History...
Hardback , May '24
RRP: $192.95 $173.65
The Cambridge World History of Sexualities: Volume 1, General Overviews by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks The Cambridge World History...
Hardback , May '24
RRP: $192.95 $173.65
Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume II: Since 1500 by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Discovering the Western Past:...
Paperback , Jan '14
RRP: $127.95 $115.15
An Age of Voyages, 1350-1600 by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks An Age of Voyages, 1350-1600
Hardback , Feb '21
RRP: $68.95 $62.05
Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume I: To 1789 by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Discovering the Western Past:...
Paperback , Jan '14
RRP: $127.95 $115.15
The Cambridge World History of Sexualities: Volume 2, Systems of Thought and Belief by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks The Cambridge World History...
Hardback , May '24
RRP: $192.95 $173.65
A Companion to Global Gender History by Teresa A. Meade A Companion to Global Gender History
Hardback , Dec '20
RRP: $284.95 $256.45
Luther on Women: A Sourcebook by Susan C. Karant-Nunn Luther on Women: A Sourcebook
Hardback , Mar '03
RRP: $145.95 $140.11
A Companion to Gender History by Teresa A. Meade A Companion to Gender History
Paperback , May '06
RRP: $85.95 $77.35
Luther on Women: A Sourcebook by Susan C. Karant-Nunn Luther on Women: A Sourcebook
Paperback , Mar '03
RRP: $63.95 $61.39
The Cambridge World History: Volume 5, Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500CE-1500CE by Benjamin Z. Kedar The Cambridge World History:...
Paperback , Nov '17
RRP: $65.95 $63.31
The The Cambridge World History: Volume 6, the Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 C.E. Part 2, Patterns of Change The Cambridge World History Part 2 by Jerry H. Bentley The The Cambridge World History:...
Hardback , Apr '15
RRP: $274.95 $247.45
The Cambridge World History: Volume 6, The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, Part 1, Foundations by Jerry H. Bentley The Cambridge World History:...
Paperback , Nov '17
RRP: $65.95 $63.31
The Cambridge World History: Volume 6, The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, Part 1, Foundations by Jerry H. Bentley The Cambridge World History:...
Paperback , Nov '17
RRP: $65.95 $63.31
Results 1 - 36 of 37