
Books by Peter Hulme

Postcolonial Film by Rebecca Weaver-Hightower Postcolonial Film
Paperback , Feb '18
RRP: $94.99 $94.04
Postcolonial Film by Rebecca Weaver-Hightower Postcolonial Film
Hardback , Mar '14
RRP: $315.00 $311.85
Literature Politics & Theory by Francis Barker Literature Politics & Theory
Paperback , Mar '13
RRP: $92.99 $92.06
The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing by Peter Hulme The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing
Paperback , Nov '02
RRP: $65.95 $63.31
Remnants of Conquest by Peter Hulme Remnants of Conquest
Hardback , Nov '00
RRP: $442.00 $433.16
Writing, Travel and Empire by Dr. Peter Hulme Writing, Travel and Empire
Paperback , Jul '20
RRP: $66.99 $64.31
Writing, Travel and Empire by Dr. Peter Hulme Writing, Travel and Empire
Hardback , Aug '07
RRP: $260.00 $249.60
Cannibalism and the Colonial World by Francis Barker Cannibalism and the Colonial World
Hardback , Aug '98
RRP: $174.95 $167.95
Cannibalism and the Colonial World by Francis Barker Cannibalism and the Colonial World
Paperback , Aug '98
RRP: $75.95 $72.91
Literature Politics and Theory by Francis Barker Literature Politics and Theory
Hardback , Oct '02
RRP: $525.00 $472.50
Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges Ficciones
Paperback , Feb '00
RRP: $46.99 $42.29
Colonial Discourse / Postcolonial Theory by Francis Barker Colonial Discourse / Postcolonial Theory
Paperback , Jun '96
RRP: $40.99 $39.35
Results 1 - 14 of 14